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OpenFlow Arbitrated Programmable Network Channels for Managing Quantum Metadata

机译:用于管理量子的OpenFlow仲裁可编程网络通道   元数据



Quantum networks must classically exchange complex metadata between devicesin order to carry out information for protocols such as teleportation,super-dense coding, and quantum key distribution. Demonstrating the integrationof these new communication methods with existing network protocols, channels,and data forwarding mechanisms remains an open challenge. Software-definednetworking (SDN) offers robust and flexible strategies for managing diversenetwork devices and uses. We adapt the principles of SDN to the deployment ofquantum networks, which are composed from unique devices that operate accordingto the laws of quantum mechanics. We show how quantum metadata can be managedwithin a software-defined network using the OpenFlow protocol, and we describehow OpenFlow management of classical optical channels is compatible withemerging quantum communication protocols. We next give an example specificationof the metadata needed to manage and control QPHY behavior and we extend theOpenFlow interface to accommodate this quantum metadata. We conclude bydiscussing near-term experimental efforts that can realize SDN's principles forquantum communication.



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